SCF (StyleComesFirst)- Established in summer of 2016, strives to let people show their personality through style. We want to set standards, and represent quality. The brand is mostly based around the car culture, but is branching out to be a striving clothing brand.
Photo: @rally_tank_rex
My name is Dylan Herron, I am 18 years old and I am the founder of SCF. SCF has been a image in my head since I was a little kid. In middle school in a design class, we had to make a fake business, I made mine about bmx and it was called Style Comes First. Two years ago I started a youtube channel called SCFproductions where I post my videography work. When I got the inspiration to finally launch a brand, naming it SCF was a no-brainer. I want to let you know if you are reading this that, if you have a dream to chase it. Instead of talking about what you want to do, just go and make it happen. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something.
Instagram accounts: @scf_wrx and @stylecomesfirst.tm